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Truth-telling by, for, and about black women, Girls and Gender Diverse People

A movement to combat anti-Black Gender-Based Violence Against Black Women, Girls , Gender Diverse & Trans People in Canada.

Our Definition



1. To centre the lived experiences of Black women, girls and gender diverse people and combat anti-Black gender-based violence.

2. A call to action that uses love to disrupt mysogynoir and counter the systemic hatred against Black women, girls, gender diverse & trans people.

Black women, girls, gender diverse & trans (B-WGGDT) people are always at the forefront of social justice resistance and activism. This movement is no different.

Canada has yet to reach gender and racial equity. It continues to ignore its colonial and patriarchal histories, resulting in ongoing violence, especially towards Black communities, many of which have existed on these lands for centuries.

We have developed The Amourgynoir Code to be a social movement, a framework, a promise, and a revolution.

For Survivors

It's time to use your lived experiences to change the world.
Let's Go

For the Community

It's time to honour B-WGGDT in multiple ways to change the world.
Let's Go

For Allies

It's time to look inwards and step into action to change the world.
Let's Go

For Employers

It's time to combine forces to change the world.
Let's Go

Black Love: Learn it, Live it.

Power in numbers

A movement is as strong as its people.

And boy do we have people. There are many incredible Black activists, community organizers, and grassroots organizations who are doing incredible things across Canada. It's time to turn the spotlight on to these local powerhouses.

5 specific CTA

5 title for big call to action section

5 BODY Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo nisi in urna porta, sed facilisis tortor volutpat. Nullam id elit condimentum, tempus eros at, vestibulum mauris.


5 Second Body Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo nisi in urna porta, sed facilisis tortor volutpat. Nullam id elit condimentum, tempus eros at, vestibulum mauris.

  • Point 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Point 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Point 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo nisi in urna porta, sed facilisis tortor volutpat. Nullam id elit condimentum, tempus eros at, vestibulum mauris.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo nisi in urna porta, sed facilisis tortor volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo nisi in urna porta, sed facilisis tortor volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In commodo nisi in urna porta, sed facilisis tortor volutpat.

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  • In commodo nisi in urna porta
  • In commodo nisi in urna porta

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

%%your signature%%

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A one-of-a-kind initiative

The Code & Framework

This is the very first movement of its kind to centre Black women, girls, gender diverse & trans (B-WGGDT) at the intersection of gender, race, sexuality, class and ability in Canada. There is currently no national data on anti-Black gender based violence (aBGBV) and hate that targets Black women, girls, gender diverse & trans people(B-WGGDT) in Canada.

We have developed a code and a framework to help guide this movement towards our goal of eradicating violence against B-WGGDT.

The Amourgynoir Code is the first framework to disrupt misogynoir.


When you support a movement, you help to change the world.

Take Action

Current Campaigns

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